• 29-03-2025
  • Anúncio

Season of the Ancients

The time has come for Ancient Beasts to arise and heed the call of the lands of Veren

The dust has long since settled on the battle-scarred lands of the Age of Devotion. In the aftermath of the most brutal of wars, the people of Veren retreated to their homes to recover from the carnage. A long and drawn-out war which ensued due to the callous actions of the most devoted zealots. The brutality of man laid bare by wars which left the land cracked, and broken, a mirror image of those who wrought the destruction. The gods looked down on the lands with malevolent smiles, pleased with the gains their most faithful had made towards each of their goals.

But what followed was silence. The militant faithful continued their prayers, their sacrifice, and their strife to please the gods, but the gods did not respond… the people of Veren began to feel restless and forsaken.

Those who remained faithful, though, return to the roots of their gods, communing with the land in efforts to grow closer to their faith once more.

Followers of Gaia returned to the forest, as the human empires advanced on lands formerly claimed by her followers.

Vorm’s most faithful took to the mountainous regions, settling close to the heartlands of Vorm’s influence in the fire aftermath of dormant volcanoes.

The cold-hearted followers of Theras retreated to the arctic tundra, making camp in the lands gripped by the icy thrall, embracing the harsh conditions as a testament to their faith.

For the followers of Slern and Haala, the war never ended… each with the most devoted in the lands, they continued their holy crusade against one another towards mutual destruction.

Years pass, and the influence of the gods wanes in the hearts of the people of Veren. But deep in the underbelly of the lands, ancient forces are stirring from aeons long slumber…

The Season of the Ancients has arrived, and with it, 5 new beasts awaken to restore the faith of mortals in the gods of Veren. The powers of these beasts can be yours through our Season Pass feature. As with the Season of Devotion, the Season Pass has a free and a premium track, with the premium track unlocking accelerated progress. Two beasts are available in the Season Pass feature, and the remaining 3 beasts will be featured in the Soul Sanctum, and can be obtained using unique Season Scrolls, which can only be obtained during the Season of the Ancients.

Progress towards the Season rewards is unlocked predominately through participation in events, completion of Daily Quests, Campaign/PvP runs (victories), and when using scrolls in the Soul Sanctum.

The Season Pass pathway is repeatable once completed, meaning you can redo the pathway, and regain more rewards as you go. The premium Season Pass need only be purchased once per season, and will reset the same as the free track, allowing for even more rewards and beast growth!

Get in-game now and show the gods your might in the Season of the Ancients!

~The Clash of Beasts Team

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