• 29-03-2025
  • Atualização, Notas de atualização

Patch Notes 7.0

In this version, we’re adding a few quality-of-life improvements, as well as a PvP Leaderboard for the best Beastmasters. We’ve also got a brand-new beast being released. Read the patch notes below.


Skalamis – Burrowing her way relentlessly through the underground expanses of Veren, Skalamis emerges to shred her foes with metal and molten lava:

  • Furnace Flames – Her primary attack fires a continuous stream of damage, with a 40% chance to reduce the target’s Attack Speed by 50% for 5 seconds.
  • Blazing Saw Blades – Skalamis hurls a spinning blade towards her target, with a 50% chance to inflict fragility, increasing their received damage by 60% for 5 seconds. Additionally, Skalamis increases the Defense for all allies and itself by 40% for 8 seconds.

The following new features and improvements have been added in this latest version:

  • PvP Leaderboard: A new Leaderboard has been added to the PvP window showing the top 50 PvP player positions, as well as your own position and score.

  • Notification of Insufficient Treasury Space in PvP: If you have insufficient space for looting an enemy player in PvP, the loot will now show in red, and you can tap an info button which confirms that you will not receive any gold from the battle which goes over your maximum Treasury capacity.

  • Clan Quest Removed Notification: You’ll now be notified when entering the Clan Quest window if you have been removed from a quest by a Clan Leader.
  • New Push Notifications: Two new push notifications have been added, one for when your workshop is idle, and one for when a feed reward is due to expire in the next 24 hours.

The following interface improvements have been added in this latest version:

  • Stunned Beast State: A stunned beast’s ability will now visually show if it can not be used due to the beast being stunned.

  • Weekly PvP League Reward Feed Delivery: Now the weekly PvP League reward will be given by your news feed, instead of needing to go into the PvP window to collect.
  • Chat Loading Optimization: We’ve made some adjustments to improve the loading speed of Chat.
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