• 30-03-2022
  • Patchnotes, Producers Letter

March – April Developer’s Notes

A New Season Arrives!

Spring is finally upon us, and the Season of Exploration is coming to an end! This past month, we saw the introduction of our new Festivals feature, kicking off with the Festival of Love, and the unbearably lovable beast, Theordormis. We wrapped up the season roster with the final two beasts Quetzalcoatl and Tantalos flying their way into the season collection! Over the past month, we also implemented various UI and balancing improvements in an effort to try to provide the best user experience for all our players!

As the flowers begin to bloom, so too does the amazing lineup of content that we have coming up for you all in this brand new update! So, without further ado, let’s take a look at what’s in store for the Clash of Beasts in April!

The Season of Exploration is due to end on the 6th April, to make way for next season, The Season of Conquest! However, before the current season ends, we’ve still got a couple of surprises in store for you. The first of which, was especially added for all you extremely active players who already completed all of the season beast branches! Introducing the Season Token Chest, a special new chest which will appear in the armory, where players can spend any excess season tokens to gain additional valuable rewards before the season ends (remember, your season tokens do not carry over into the next season, so spend them while you can!). Secondly, we will be introducing a Season Leaderboard which grants additional and exclusive rewards to the highest performing players of the entire season! So, if you fancy yourself a Season Champion, now you have the chance to prove it, and seal your name in this season’s hall of fame!

The Season of Conquest will introduce five brand new season beasts, this time hailing from the barren wastelands of the Lower World, so expect some ruthless aggression from these barbaric beasts! The first two beasts will be available from the start of the new season, and the rest will follow in the coming weeks. So, make sure you participate in as many events as possible throughout the season in order to secure them, and to help climb your way up the Season Leaderboard!

Spring is in the air, and all across the lands of Veren, people are preparing for the upcoming Festival of Growth! A celebration to the ancient goddess of growth and agriculture, Eos. Just like with the Festival of Love, players can participate in a special time-limited questline, providing them with a unique currency to cash in for an abundance of valuable rewards, and aid them in obtaining the brand new Festival Beast, Lopus!

Much like Theordormis, Lopus will have his own special synergy of extraordinary spells, and we are really excited for you all to master his unique playstyle.

The Festival of Growth will begin on the 15th April and run until 29th April, so be sure to log in every day to not miss out!

Aside from the new Season, and the Festival of Growth, April’s update will also bring some additional improvements to the game:

We have added 2 new VIP tiers into the game, each of which has their own new and unique perk! To help some of you more eager players reach these tier levels faster, we have also made some changes to some of the event-themed limited offers and monthly cyclic packs, allowing them to be purchased more times before reaching their limit!

Any resources costs that are required for a battle, for example Energy, or Cinders are now only used up at the end of the battle to prevent loss of resources due to battle errors.

Since the game’s launch we had a few reports from players who found themselves in a clan with an inactive leader. We have now added the functionality that if a clan leader has been inactive for 30 days, the rest of the clan has the option to demote them, and a new leader will be appointed.

In addition to the new content and features introduced with this month’s update, we already have the next big feature for the game currently in development. We will have more to share with you on this soon, but believe me when I say, it will bring some serious new action for you!

Aside from the new features and changes that have arrived with this update, we have also been working hard to address all of the feedbacks and issues that you have reported to us. We are pleased to say that the following reported issues have now been resolved:

• Issue where a player avatar was still displayed in battle after the user quit or disconnected
• Issue where Festival push notifications were sent after the Festival ended
• Issue where Jaginda’s Revitalize spell did not heal the beast
• Mismatch issue with Victory Points of personal points and Clan contributions
• Issue when receiving a new message in the chat disruptively redirects the user immediately to the bottom of the chat feed
• Issue where profile avatars were improperly displayed in several areas of the game
• Issue where the Expedition Portals could sometimes require a beast which does not exist
• Issues with the Shop loading on certain devices
• Issue where the player avatar would sometimes be displayed erroneously on the map during battles
• Issue with error message appearing when attempting to a kick a player from a clan
• Issue where Elentara would sometimes appear invisible during battles
• Issue where messages may appear incorrectly in Chat Groups

As we add more features into the game, there is always the likelihood of more issues arising, so we really appreciate you taking the time to reach out and let us know when you encounter any problems. Please also rest assured, that if you have reported any other issues that you are facing with the game, we are looking into it, and will have news for you as soon as we can.

We would love to hear any feedback you have on these March and April changes and updates, or any thoughts that you have on the game generally. So please don’t hesitate to let us know here, or via any of our social media platforms!

Enjoy the new Season and the Festival of Growth, and all other events to come this month!

Kurt, Game Designer and Resident Beastmaster

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