Stonewing was a Guard Golem of Therastis – the great city of the cliff. A now long-lost Gaian faction called Minro’s Lance lay siege upon the city, in what would be the start of the Second War of the Five Gods. Not long after the battle started, Stonewing was shot, and one of its pulse staffs was lost. However, that did not stop it from taking the fight to the Lance, even with only a sole functioning staff. Dodging enemy fire, Stonewing laid waste to much of the Lance’s air beast brigade. However, in the end, there were just too many. A vineworm spell desperately cast by a mage from Minro’s Lance tunneled its way to Stonewing’s core. Losing control, he fell from the sky; past the cliffs he’d soared over for centuries; past the floating continent of Veren, and deep into the unknown below. Unconscious, he lay in a deep sleep, healing himself below the surface of an unknown land. Therastis lay in ruins. Millenia later, Stonewing reawakened. Urged by forces infused by the golem’s creators, he eventually made his way back to the city that was once home to him, only to find that it now lay in ruins. It was all he knew, and all he cared to protect. He remains there, hovering, flying, and protecting something that died off long ago.