Dolo was born on a secluded forest island within Veren. Being secluded, it was a thriving paradise untouched by the greed and war of humans. That is, until humans began to understand the properties of essence. Miners started to come to the island. Wells sprung up. Trees came down. The forest became smaller and smaller; the rivers stained by the industries of men. The soil dead, so nothing could live. Dolo, poisoned by her once lovely home began to die, half her body covered in rot. Just as death was about to claim her, her fate was changed forever. Gaia decided to bless Dolo with life. Her only request was that she seek vengeance on those that killed her, and ruined Gaia’s garden paradise. Dolo became a half spirit – infused with Gaia’s powers, she could both give life and take it. With her purpose fulfilled, she retreated back into the forest island as it grew and prospered around her once again. That is, until the Guild of Gaia summoned her once again.