Frost Wolf

  • Affinity-Theras
  • Role-Rouge
  • S
    Tier S

While the highland beasts have traditionally been under the domain of Haala, an opportunity presented itself to Theras. Seeing the disgruntled frost wolf hibernating for millennia, Theras infused the ice crystals that had penetrated his body with the essence of the land.

Mask top
Mask top
Layer 2
Layer 2 Layer 2
Deadly Strikes

The beast fires a high powered, focused strike at a target. Keep tapping to attack. Consumes stamina.

Falling Star

With a deafening roar, stars burst forth from the beast, damaging and stunning targets.

Silver Shield

A blessing from the Silver Moon will cloak the beast and recharge its stamina. When the cloak is broken, either through an attack or when the spell expires, a violent shockwave will damage any nearby towers, and the beast will gain an attack buff.

Nature's Recovery

Removes all debuffs from the beast and heals it!

Resist Void Cannon Tower

(Passive) Resists 15% of all damage dealt by Void Cannon towers.